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Fertility challenges can be compounded by emotional stress, relationship stress and stress on the body.  The Mind/Body Program for Fertility was developed to reduce symptoms of stress for women and their partners who are trying to conceive.


Modeled after Alice Domar, Ph.D.’s Harvard Medical School and Mind/Body Medical Institute program for infertility, this effective and well regarded course will help to relieve symptoms of depression, anxiety and anger.

Research has not only shown improvement in mood, but after one year women who completed the course in Boston had a pregnancy rate of 55% compared to 20% for those who had not taken the course.  The most recent research found similar pregnancy rates for women attempting conception through IVF after attending a mind/body program.

Our goal is that you will feel calmer, your thoughts will be more positive, you’ll be supported by a group of people like yourself and you’ll have moved forward on your path to parenthood.


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